Acute Hepatitis C infection in lower risk MSM [London/BHIVA]: an evolving picture. 20% of HIV+ MSM Reported Condomless Sex as Sole Risk Factor. 33% for HIV-Neg MSM.
Reported by Jules Levin
BHIVA 2017 April 4-7 London, UK
Dr Laura Midgley, Dr Sarah Ann Filson, Patrick Pearson, Dr Indrajit Ghosh, Dr Laura Waters- CNWL Mortimer Market Centre, London
from Jules: I have been predicting this for years, that HCV in this new era of increasing condomless sex would cause a great increase of sexual HCV transmission. It is here in NYC too, and I am sure other areas in the USA too. I actually have brought this to the attention of local & state officials 1-2 years ago in NYS but they disregarded it.
CLAI = Condomless Anal Intercourse
