European Report on Gaps HCV & HBV Testing & Prevalence by ECDC- May 31 2017
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"many are unaware of their infection."....."Less than half of the responding EU/EEA countries have dedicated HBV or HCV testing guidance in place (29% and 48% respectively)"
Testing policy and practice
The survey findings reveal a wide variation in testing policy and practice across the EU/EEA, and a number of
significant gaps. Less than half of EU/EEA countries have dedicated HBV or HCV testing guidance (29% and 48%,
respectively), with the remainder having either a number of unrelated policies where HBV/HCV is covered, or no
testing policy at all. As a result, many Member States have no policy covering the key risk groups; only two thirds
of Member States have policy covering testing for PWID, and one third have testing policy that covers commercial
sex workers, men who have sex with men, or recipients of blood products prior to BBV screening.
ECDC undertook a survey to assess the level and the nature of the need for guidance on testing and screening for HBV and HCV in the EU/EEA, and to update the existing evidence on the burden of HBV/HCV morbidity and mortality across EU/EEA Member States.
An estimated 9-10 million individuals have been infected with HBV or HCV in the EU/EEA [5], with a considerable burden of undiagnosed infection likely to exist across Member States. The proportion of the HCV-infected population who remain undiagnosed is estimated to be 45% in Scotland (2013), 62% in Germany (2004), 43% in France (2004), and 88% in Italy (2004) [8]. Among PWID, data are available for only a small number of countries, of which the percentage of those undiagnosed ranges between 25% in Spain, 30% in France, and 59% in the UK [9]. Published data for HBV are not currently available, although the burden of undiagnosed infection is likely to be considerable, given the increased risk of HBV among 'hidden' populations such as new migrants and PWID.
Systematic review on hepatitis B and C
prevalence in the EU/EEA

EASL: Access to hepatitis C treatment in Europe: findings from the 2016 Hep-CORE study - (05/30/17)
EASL: Restrictions for reimbursement of interferon-free direct acting antiviral therapies for HCV infection in Europe - (05/15/17)
EASL: Projected impact and pathways to success of the hepatitis C virus elimination program in Georgia, 2015-2020 - (05/30/17)
