80% of HIV+ Are Over 45 / 20% over 60 /50% Over 50 in NY, SF, Boston, Florida
"the age distribution of people living with HIV has shifted to older ages over time. For example, in 1996, 2.5% of people
with AIDS in the United States were at least 60 years old, compared with 15.4% in 2013 [38]."

This report Aging in US - Worse Still To Come - polypharmacy, multiple comorbidities, decreased survival, impaired daily activities functioning - (12/21/16)
- 75% of HIV+ are over 40 years old in NY, SF, Massachusetts & Florida
- 53% are over 50 years old
- 20% over 60
Decreased Survival in HIV+ [http://www.natap.org/2016/HIV/020816_05.htm ]
- we already have Increased Comorbidities & Poly-Pharmacy in HIV+ but we will see increases in individuals and the overall patient population now over 50-60.
Aging: Worse To Come....those with HIV and aging have to deal with both...many studies report HIV accelerates aging by 10 years, yet we are not prepared say Drs Seigler & Singh directors at the NY Cornel Aging Clinic
Italy researchers observe 50% with HIV are over 50 in 2016, which will approach 70%by 2020 and over 75% by 2025: "In 15 years time the HIV geriatric population [65-67 yo] will increase from 4% to 37%"...."In 15 years time the most frail HIV population will increase from 24% [now, 2016] to 48%"....."In 15 years time 34% of PLWH will be disabled" [burden of IADLs - independent activities of daily living] - see graph - appears to predict 30% will experience a fall in 15 years, up from 20% now
Some mistakenly believe HIV survival has been normalized minimizing & underestimating the impact of aging in HIV. CDC reports that in 2013 42% diagnosed with HIV are over 50 years old, 25% over 55, and 6% 65 or older, and 17% were 45-49[https://www.cdc.gov/hiv/group/age/olderamericans/] The CDC previously projected that by 2015, more than half of all HIV-infected Americans will be over 50 years old [https://www.nia.nih.gov/newsroom/features/aging-hiv-responding-emerging-challenge] ; soon they will be over 60. In NY & SF almost 80% with HIV are over 40 years old. In NYC 52% were reported by the NYC Dept of health to be over 50, 32% 50-59 & 20% >60, and of note 24% are 40-49. Among women with HIV in NYC[https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/dires/hiv-surveillance-annualreport-2015.pdf] In San Francisco 60% of those living with HIV are over 50 years old, 19% 60-69, and 25% are 40-49, reported by the San Francisco Department of Public Health 2015 [https://www.sfdph.org/dph/files/reports/RptsHIVAIDS/AnnualReport2015-20160831.pdf]I have collected a selection of more recent studies many presented at conferences in the past few months or published very recently that still only representing a fraction of the many studies on these topics.]......In Boston health officials reported in 2015 59% were over 50 and 21% over 60 and 16% 45-49, thus 75% of all HIV-infected were over 45. http://www.mass.gov/eohhs/docs/dph/aids/2015-profiles/city-boston.pdf
In Florida health officials reported 53% are over 50 with 25% 45-49 and 25% over 60. [http://www.floridahealth.gov/\/diseases-and-conditions/aids/surveillance/epi-profiles/2015/state-1415.pdf]
by 2030 30% will be 60 & older & 23% >65, said Linda fried, MD in her talk on HIV & Aging: a new paradigm at NYS AIDS Institute Conference [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9alEsXqT0BU]
a recent Dutch study projected that by 2030, 73% of those infected with HIV will be at least 50 years of age and 39% will be 60 years or older .....http://www.natap.org/2016/HIV/PIIS1473309915000560.pdf
Senate Hearing 2013: Older Americans: The Changing Face of HIV/AIDS in America .....[ http://www.aging.senate.gov/hearings/older-americans-the-changing-face-of-hiv/aids-in-america]Sen Nelson of Florida said "30% are over 50 now and in 2 years 50% will be over 50, its actually 53% in 2015 with 25% 40-49; the age group with the highest prevalence is bt far over 60 with 25% [http://www.floridahealth.gov/\/diseases-and-conditions/aids/surveillance/epi-profiles/2015/state-1415.pdf].....Sen Collins of maine said HIV+ are experiencing comorbidities a decade sooner.....Sen Warren stated "52% in her state Mass with HIV are >50 yrs old & 15% are 60 or older".
CDC 2013:
