Ending HIV/AIDS - LA & NY Care Continuum
HIV Care in New York State, 2014: Linkage, Retention and Viral Suppression Among Persons Residing in New York State - (12/20/16)
LA HIV Continuum of Care
Dr. Gil Chavez with the department of public health said California is second only to Florida in terms of annual new HIV infections
National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS) Recommended Care Indicators
On July 13, 2010 the White House released the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS).3 This plan is the nation’s first-ever comprehensive coordinated HIV/AIDS roadmap with clear and measurable targets to be achieved by the end of 2015. Key targets from the NHAS include: 1) increase the proportion of newly diagnosed patients linked to clinical care within three months of their HIV diagnosis from 65 percent to 85 percent; 2) increase the proportion of Ryan White HIV Program clients who are in continuous care (at least 2 visits for routine HIV medical care in 12 months at least 3 months apart) from 73 percent to 80 percent by 2015 and 3) increase by 20% (each) the percentage of persons with HIV with undetectable HIV viral load results among men who have sex with men, African Americans and Latinos.
HIV Viral Load Suppression: 50% were virally suppressed. Crude estimates for viral suppression among reported PLWH can be found in Table 2.4, while estimates based on the total number of PLWH, including those who are unaware of their infection, can be found in Figures 2.8A-2.8D.
Linkage to Care (LTC): In this report, timely LTC is defined as having a VL, CD4, or HIV genotype test performed within three months of HIV diagnosis. Trends in LTC show a steady increase since 2006 in the proportion of persons with HIV who were linked to care within 3, 6 and 12 months - 79%, 81% and 83% in 2013,
Engagement in Care: 61% were engaged in care in 2013. Crude estimates for engaged in care among reported PLWH can be found in Table 2.4, while estimates based on the total number of PLWH, including those who are unaware of their infection, can be found in Figures 2.8A-2.8D.
Retention in Care: In this report, retention in care is defined as two or more VL, CD4, or HIV genotype tests performed at least 3 months apart during a 12 month period. Of the estimated 53,321 persons aged 18 or older who were living with HIV prior to January 1, 2014, 51% were retained in care in 2013. Crude estimates for retention in care among reported PLWH can be found in Table 2.4, Compared to whites, Latinos, Asians/ Pacific Islanders, and individuals who were multi-race/unknown race were more likely to be retained in care. Females were more likely to be retained in care than males. Persons 18-29 and 30-49 were less likely to be retained in care than persons aged 50 or older.
