Fatty Acid Profiles Altered by HIV Infection Persist Despite Suppressive Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) and are Associated with Immune Activation in the ACTG 5248 Study
Reported by Jules Levin
9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017), July 23-26, 2017, Paris
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Martha A. Belury PhD1, Emily Bowman PhD1, Janelle Gabriel MS1, Brandon Snyder BS1, Manjusha Kulkarni PhD1, Marilly Palettas MS1, Xiaokui Mo PhD1, Jordan E. Lake MD2, Brian Clagett BS3, Martin P. Playford PhD4, Adriana AndradeMD5, Daniel R. Kuritzkes MD6, Nehal N. Mehta MD4, Michael M. Lederman MD3, and Nicholas T. FunderburgPhD1
1Ohio State University Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio, USA;2University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston, TX, USA; 3Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland Ohio, USA;4National Heart Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA; 5Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA; 6Brigham and Women's Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA

Figure 1. Plasma levels of lipid species are altered by HIV-infection and by ART. Blood samples were collected in EDTA-containing tubes were centrifuged once, and plasma was frozen at -80o C until thawed and analyzed in batch. Measurement of the concentration and composition of approximately 1,300 lipid metabolites was performed by Metabolon (True Mass Complex Lipid Panel, Metabolon, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina,U.S.A.).
