IAS: How Many on PrEP in USA - Changes in Truvada® for HIV Pre-exposure
Prophylaxis Utilization in the USA: 2012-2016 - Disparities
PrEP at Kaiser
We identified 7124 individuals who sought or were referred for PrEP. Of those, 26 (0.4%) were diagnosed with HIV infection during assessment for PrEP eligibility. Of the remaining 7098 individuals, 4991 (70%) started PrEP and 2107 (30%) did not start PrEP. Of the 2107 who did not start PrEP, 22 were later diagnosed with HIV infection, corresponding with an incidence rate of 1.1 per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval [CI], 0.7-1.7). Of the 4991 who started PrEP, there were no HIV infections during 5104 person-years of PrEP use (mean duration of use, 12.4 months; upper limit of 1-sided 97.5% CI, 0.1). Of 1303 (26%) who no longer had PrEP in possession at the end of follow-up, 11 were diagnosed with HIV infection between the last supply of PrEP and the end of follow-up, corresponding with an incidence rate of 1.3 per 100 person-years (95% CI, 0.8-2.4).
We identified no HIV infections during more than 5000 person-years of PrEP use, consistent with the high adherence previously observed in this setting [5]. However, HIV infections were identified among individuals who were being assessed for PrEP eligibility (ie, late to access PrEP), who sought or were referred for PrEP but did not start (ie, failure to initiate PrEP), or who discontinued PrEP (ie, failure to be retained in PrEP care). Strategies are critically needed to ensure that patients start, restart, or continue PrEP during periods of risk for HIV acquisition.
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"We estimate that approximately 136,000 people in the U.S. were using Truvada for PrEP as we exited the second quarter. We are also encouraged to see third-party providers announcing new initiatives on broadening access to PrEP."
Gilead counted 136,000 people taking Truvada as PrEP at the end of the second quarter, compared with 60,000 to 70,000 a year earlier. That's still a fraction of the 1.2 million American adults at significant risk of becoming HIV-positive who researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say are candidates for the regimen.