Inhibiting memory CD4+ T-cell self-renewal to reduce HIV persistence
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Reported by Jules Levin
9th IAS Conference on HIV Science; July 23-26, 2017; Paris, France
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M. Mavigner1, M. Zanoni2, J. Habib1, C. Mattingly2, J. Demarest3, H. Kouji4, B. Lawson2, T. Vanderford2, G. Tharp2, S. Bosinger2, G. Silvestri2, A. Chahroudi1
1Emory University School of Medicine, Pediatrics, Atlanta, United States, 2Emory University, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, Atlanta, United States, 3ViiV Healthcare, Durham, United States, 4Prism Biolab, Kanagawa, Japan
Background: Long-lived memory CD4+ T-cells with high self-renewal capacity such as central memory (TCM) T-cells and T memory stem cells (TSCM) are major contributors to the viral reservoir in HIV-infected individuals on antiretroviral therapy (ART). The Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway primarily regulates the balance between self-renewal and differentiation of TSCM/TCM and pharmacological manipulation of this pathway offers an opportunity to reduce persistence of latently-infected cells.
Methods: To block self-renewal and promote TSCM/TCM differentiation, we used an inhibitor targeting the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway initially developed to target cancer stem cells (called PRI-724). We evaluated the safety of PRI-724 with a dose escalation study in healthy rhesus macaques (RM). We then conducted an efficacy study in twelve SIVmac251-infected RM treated with ART. After suppression of viremia, 8/12 RM received PRI-724 at 10 or 20 mg/kg/day while 4/12 RM were maintained on ART only. The gene profile of CD4+ memory T-cell subsets was assessed longitudinally by RNAseq analyses. RM were sacrificed on ART following twelve weeks of PRI-724 treatment for assessment of SIV reservoirs.
Results: PRI-724 was well tolerated in both healthy and ART-treated SIV-infected RM, with blood counts, liver function, and renal function within normal limits. No alteration of tri-lineage hematopoiesis was observed in bone marrow. The transcriptomic profiling of genes associated with T-cell differentiation showed an increased expression of the EOMES transcription factor in the CD4+ TSCM of PRI-treated animals as compared to controls. Moreover, Gene Set Enrichment Analyses showed that gene sets distinguishing effector versus memory were significantly enriched in the CD4+ TSCM as compared to the naïve T-cells. Interestingly, this CD4+ TSCM enrichment in effector-like genes was significantly higher in the PRI-treated than in the control RM. These results suggest an effect of PRI-724 on CD4+ TSCM differentiation. PCR analyses in the sorted subsets of memory CD4+ T-cells showed no significant difference in cell-associated SIV DNA levels between PRI-724 treated and untreated RM.
Conclusions: This work provides novel support for the strategy of promoting CD4+ TSCM differentiation by pharmacological modulation of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway. However, combination strategies targeting stem cell pathways and/or additional anti-reservoir strategies are likely necessary to reduce SIV/HIV persistence.
