Experience of Living With HIV: Diagnosis and Disclosure - Findings From the Positive Perspectives Study - self-stigma is high, 63% of older HIV+ have 3+ Comorbidities
Reported by Jules Levin
9th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2017), July 23-26, 2017, Paris
A Murungi,1B Spire,2M Muchenje,3A Namiba,4K Parkinson,5S Marcutullio,6M Krehl,7B Allan,8Y Punekar,1A de Ruiter,1S Barthel,9J Koteff,10B Young,11A Ustianowski12
1ViiV Healthcare, Brentford, UK; 2French National Institute for Medical Research (INSERM),Paris, France; 3Women's Health in Women's Hands Community Health Centre, Toronto, ON, Canada; 4Salamander Trust, London, UK; 5Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, USA; 6Nadir Onlus, Rome, Italy; 7European AIDS Treatment Group, Germany; 8Living Positive, Victoria, Australia; 9GlaxoSmithKline, London, UK; 10ViiV Healthcare, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA; 11International Association of Providers of AIDS Care, Denver, CO, USA; 12Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust, Manchester, UK
- from Jules: this study reports - stigma prevails: high self-stigma, depression & poor mental health/anxiety, little support; 63% 3+ Comorbidities among age 50+ 3 times greater than 18-34 years old
see full poster report below following this additional information. As HIV+ age the affects of trauma experiences during their lifetimes, which is greater in HIV+, will affect how they age, it will result in worse overall health, cognitive, neurologic & behavior outcomes. With greater depression, disability and worsening health, & suffering from worsening self-image suicide ideation & suicide will increase.

Aging in HIV, Services & Support needed: Lifetime trauma results in depression, poor health outcomes, poor decision making Childhood Trauma and Health Outcomes in HIV-Infected Patients: An Exploration of Causal Pathways - (03/23/12)
50% Depressed / greater lifetime exposure to traumatic experiences is associated with a wide range of deleterious behavioral and health consequences in this sample of people living with HIVTraumatic life experiences such as childhood sexual and physical abuse are recognized as having profound and far-reaching implications for health and health-related behaviors. Early research on childhood trauma documented elevated rates of a range of psychological disorders in survivors of childhood sexual and physical abuse. Later studies have extended these findings, first by considering a wider range of lifetime traumatic experiences1 and second by demonstrating associations of traumatic exposure withharmful health behaviors (high-risk sexual behaviors, poor adherence to medical treatments) and increased somatization, poorer health outcomes, and higher mortality rates.2-4 These associations are particularly pronounced and consistent in medically ill populations, including people living with HIV/AIDS.5-7
at IAC 2016 -depression & stigma are present in around 50% of all women, nearly 50% with NO Relationship, affection & love low; Relative to no relationship: women >50-years were less likely to be in any relationship; current illicit drug use 18%
Love with HIV: a latent class analysis of intimate relationships among women living with HIV enrolled in Canada's largest multisite community-based research study...."Nearly half of Canadian WLWH were not in relationships" - (07/25/16)
The Pervasive Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Challenges for Improving HIV Prevention and Treatment Interventions EDITOIRAL - (03/23/12)
Associations of Sexual Identity or Same-Sex Behaviors With History of Childhood Sexual Abuse and HIV/STI Risk in the United States - (03/23/12)
Study of the Day: 1 in 4 Adults With HIV Were Sexually Abused as Kids - (03/23/12)
