Prevalence of Comorbidities and Impact of HIV
and Comorbidities on Health Care Resource Utilization
....from Jules: 2-3 times more bone disease in HIV+ vs HIV-neg, 2-8 times more kidney disease in HIV, among people over 65 yrs bone disease is double that vs in HIV-neg and kidney disease is 8 times more prevalent among HIV+; total health care costs without ART are much higher among HIV+ vs HIV-neg, with ARTs included total costs per year per patient were 9 times greater for HIV+ and 3 times higher when excluding ART costs. Health care services costs per patient per year were double for HIV+ vs HIV-neg because more services were used like office visits & hospitalizations, and also more ED use & ICU use. 10k for CVD, 12k for bone & 20k for renal per year is spent on total healthcare costs in HIV+ excluding ART costs. CVD was the most prevalent comorbidity among HIV at 42%, then bone by 26%. 17% of HIV+ had >1 comorbidity vs 7% of HIV-neg.
Reported by Jules Levin
9th IAS Conference on HIV Science, 23-26 July 2017 | Paris, France
H. Tossonian1, R-P. Lorgeoux1, V. Baribeau2, J. Lachaine3
1Gilead Sciences Canada, Inc., Mississauga, Canada, 2PeriPharm Inc., Montreal, Canada, 3Université de Montréal, Faculty of Pharmacy, Montreal, Canada
