HEP DART presentations 3 -7 Dec 2017
Immunotherapy is coming for HCC
Dr. S. Hiotis, Mount Sinai Hospital, USA>
Immunology of HBV
Dr. A. Gehring, Toronto Centre for Liver Disease, Canada
Global Strategies to Eliminate Hepatitis B (ICE-HBV)
Dr. P. Revill, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Australia
Personalized Approaches to HBV Cure
Dr. M. Peters, University of California, USA
Is Host Genome Integrated HBV Relevant? - The Con Perspective
Dr. S. Locarnini, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Australia
Is Host Genome Integrated HBV Relevant? - The Pro Perspective
Dr. C. Brechot, Pasteur, France
SB 9200: A novel RIG-I agonist for chronic hepatitis B
Dr. S. Locarnini, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Australia
Controlling HBsAg as a Key Component of a Combination Strategy to Affect an HBV Cure
Dr. M. Sofia, Arbutus Biopharma, USA
Endpoints and New Targets for Curing Hepatitis B
Dr. S. Locarnini, Victorian Infectious Diseases Reference Laboratory, Australia
Core Antibody: anti-HBc What is the Core of the Story?
Dr. R. Gish, Hepatitis B Foundation, USA
In vivo evaluation of anti-HBV CRISPR/Cas9 therapy in the FRG mouse
Dr. K. Jerome, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, USA
Seroclearance of HBsAg in Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Patients on Lamivudine, Tenofovir or Entecavir Therapy: A 10 Year Experience.
Dr. S. Ono, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Predicting Susceptibility and Resistance for Hepatitis B Virus Capsid Assembly Effectors
Dr. B. Cox, Emory University, USA
Revisiting the Molecular and Cell Biology of the Hepatitis B Virus Towards Elimination
Dr. F. Zoulim, University of Lyon, France
Establishment of functional control and normalization of liver function in HBeAg negative chronic HBV infection following combined therapy with REP 2139 or REP 2165, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and pegylated interferon α-2a.
Dr. A. Vaillant, Replicor , Canada
Looking back to move forward: designing next-gen RNAi for best results in HBV
Dr. B. Given, Arrowhead Pharmaceuticals, USA
Management of HCV in Decompensated liver disease
Dr. M. Manns, Hannover Medical School, Germany
DAA Controversies: Do they Cause HBV Reactivation and/or HCC?
Dr. J. Feld, Toronto General Hospital, Canada
Pan-genotypic direct-acting antiviral agents: Opportunity to achieve HCV elimination
Dr. T. Asselah, H™pital Beaujon, France
Long term follow-up after treatment with Ombitasvir/Paritaprevir/ritonavir ±Dasabuvir ±Ribavirin in the AMBER Đ real world experience study
Dr. R. Flisiak, Medical University of Bialystok, Poland
DAA Therapy and Reinfection Among People who Inject Drugs: Forming a Foundation for HCV Elimination
Dr. J. Grebely, University of New South Wales, Australia
Liver Disease in Chinese-perspective from a Hepatologist
Dr. G. Lau, Humanity and Health Liver Clinic, Hong Kong
Short Duration DAA HCV Therapy: How Short Can We Go?
Dr. S. Kottilil, University of Maryland, USA