The Impact of Number of Medications on Falls in Aging Persons Living with HIV - every increase in 1 medication increased risk by 10% for a fall - "50, the new 65?"
"50, the new 65?".....
HIV+ with falls were on 11.2 medications vs 7.2 medications for those without a fall. HIV+ Females were at a 56% greater risk for a fall. Increased age too increased risk for a fall. in their summary conclusion slide below authors mention that deprescribing should be considered in older aging HIV+, a topic I have mentioned several times was a key focus of discussion at this workshop.
Reported by Jules Levin
9th HIV and Aging Workshop
New York, Sept 13-14 2018
Leanne Thai, PharmD
Lucas Hill, PharmD, BCACP, AAHIVP
Nona Chamankhah, PharmD
Afsana Karim, Programmer Analyst
Shannon Balcombe, PharmD, BCPS, AAHIVP
Maile Young Karris, MD

- PLWH have similar comorbidity patterns to HIV negative patients 10 years older.
- A substantial percentage of HIV-infected adults were prescribed at least one ARV/non-ARV combination that was contraindicated or had potential for a clinically significant interaction.
- Falls are one of the most common causes of emergency room visits and loss of independence among aging adults8
° Non-injurious falls increases the risk of placement in a skilled nursing facility by more than 3-fold
oAs a geriatric syndrome, falls are the consequence of multiple factors including8:
° Comorbidities (e.g., arthritis, diabetes, pain, depression)
° Physical impairments (e.g., vision, cognition, strength, gait)
° Polypharmacy
Reported by Jules Levin
9th HIV and Aging Workshop
New York, Sept 13-14 2018
Leanne Thai, PharmD
Lucas Hill, PharmD, BCACP, AAHIVP
Nona Chamankhah, PharmD
Afsana Karim, Programmer Analyst
Shannon Balcombe, PharmD, BCPS, AAHIVP
Maile Young Karris, MD
