MSM Associated with Lower CD4/CD8 Ratio
Being a man who has sex with men and, as MSM, having high numbers of changing sex partners is associated with a lower CD4/CD8 ratio in HIV-negative individuals in our cohort.
"The most identifiable risk factor was being MSM and having multiple sex partners. This effect was partially driven by higher CMV-seropositivity among MSM, but it didn't explain everything”
Valganciclovir reduces an immune activation pathway that strongly predicts morbidity and mortality in treated HIV infection, Peter W Hunt University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, USA......https://www.intmedpress.com/comorbidities/2018webcasts/
HIV-negative men who have sex with men have lower CD4/CD8 ratios driven by higher absolute CD8 T-lymphocyte counts compared to HIV-negative heterosexual men
Reported by Jules Levin
Presented at the 2019 Oct Comorbidities Workshop in NYC
SO Verboeket, FW Wit, E Verheij, RA van Zoest, M van der Valk, MF Schim van der Loeff, NA Kootstra, P Reiss
"Being a man who has sex with men and, as MSM, having high numbers of changing sex partners is associated with a lower CD4/CD8 ratio in HIV-negative individuals in our cohort. A low CD4/CD8 ratio in both HIV-negative and HIV-positive people has been associated with the development of non-aids associated comorbidities. I wouldn't go as far as calling this decreased immunity, it is more an immunological risk profile. MDMA use wasn't a driver of these differences in CD4/CD8 between straight men and MSM / MSM with many sexpartners. But MDMA use was associated with a lower CD4/CD8 ratio, but this could have been easily confounded by the fact that people who use MDMA also have more sex partners (with chemsex for example). So I wouldn't put too much emphasis on this last finding. Marijuana use wasn't associated with a lower or higher CD4/CD8 ratio.
The most identifiable risk factor was being MSM and having multiple sex partners. This effect was partially driven by higher CMV-seropositivity among MSM, but it didn't explain everything.
merely having high numbers of changing sex partners is associated with lower cd4/cd8 ratio, Correct.
These differences were for a large part driven by higher CMV seropositivity in MSM and MSM with many sex partners. CMV is also sexually transmittable, so you could call that an STI. CMV also has been associated with the development of comorbidities.
Neither Hepatitis B/C nor chlamydia/gonorrhea/syphilis were drivers of this effect in MSM. Possibly other viral infections that we did not measure might also contribute to the lower CD4/CD8 ratio.”
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