Collocation of Buprenorphine with HCV Treatment to Improve Adherence and Reduce Harm in PWID with HCV
Preliminary Data from the ANCHOR STUDY
Reported by Jules Levin
EASL 2018 April 11-15 Paris France
Elana Rosenthal MD, Kristi Hill BA, Laura Nussdorf BA, Poonam Mathur DO MPH, Chloe Gross RN, Rachel Silk RN MPH, Elizabeth Akoth RN MPH, David Sternberg BA, Nadeera Sidique BA, Chloe Chaudhury BS, Benjamin Emmanuel MPH, Henry Masur MD, Shyamasundaran Kottilil MD PhD, Sarah Kattakuzhy MD
NIH DC Partnership for HIV/AIDS Progress
Institute of Human Virology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA