Global Hepatitis Summit - Z-PROFILE: Real-World Utilization And Effectiveness Of Elbasvir/Grazoprevir In
Adult Patients With Chronic Hepatitis C In Canada - Final Study Results
Reported by Jules Levin
Global Hepatitis Summit 2018 - June 14-17, 2018 - Toronto, Canada  
A. Ramji1, E. Tam2, C. Fraser3, J. Tremblay4, B. Conway5, S. Borgia6, K. Tsoi7, E. Yoshida8, G. Macphail9, B. Rajendran10, K. Stewart11, B. Trottier12, P. Ghali13, J. Halsey-Brandt14 and J.B. Trepanier14
1 GI Research Institute (GIRI), Gastroenterology Division, BC, Canada; 2 LAIR Centre, BC, Canada; 3 The Cool Aid Community Health Centre, BC, Canada; 4 Centre Sida Amitié, QC, Canada; 5 Vancouver Infectious Diseases Centre, BC, Canada; 6 William Osler Health System, ON, Canada; 7 St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, ON, Canada; 8 Vancouver General Hospital, BC, Canada; 9 Calgary Urban Project Society (CUPS), AB, Canada; 10 The Peterborough Clinic, ON, Canada; 11 Saskatchewan Infectious Disease Care Network, SK, Canada; 12 Clinique de Médecine Urbaine du Quartier Latin, QC, Canada; 13 McGill University Health Center, QC, Canada;
14 Merck Canada Inc., Kirkland, QC, Canada.

Acronyms: BOC: boceprevir; CPS: Child-Pugh Score; DAA: direct-acting antiviral; D/C: discontinuation; DCV: daclatasvir; DNV: danoprevir; EBR/GZR: elbasvir/grazoprevir; EOT: end of treatment; EP: evaluable population; GT: genotype; HCV: hepatitis C virus; IFN: interferon; LDV: ledipasvir; N/A: not available; OTF: on treatment failure includes partial, null or breakthrough response; PegIFN: peginterferon; PI: protease inhibitor; PP: per protocol; RAS: resistance-associated substitutions; RBV: ribavirin; SMV: simeprevir; SOF: sofosbuvir; SVR: sustained virologic response; TN: treatment naïve; TVR: telaprevir; VF: virological failure.
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