Viral Suppression in USA Reported by CDC in 2014
CDC reported viral suppression with 1 viral load test in this study published in April 2018
[low] HIV Viral Suppression, 37 States and the District of Columbia, 2014 - (07/23/18)
Viral suppression during 2014 was assessed among persons with HIV diagnosed by December 31, 2013 and who were alive as of December 31, 2014. Viral suppression was defined as having a VL result < 200 copies per milliliter at the most recent VL test during 2014.
Overall, among PLWDH in 2014, 57.9% were virally suppressed, and, among people with HIV diagnosed in 2014, 68.2% were suppressed within 12 months of diagnosis with an average time to suppression of 6.9 months.
In Feb 2018 the CDC reported - a lower percentage of blacks had sustained viral suppression (40.8%), than had Hispanics (50.1%) and whites (56.3%). in this CDC report -
Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Sustained Viral Suppression and Transmission Risk Potential Among Persons Receiving HIV Care - United States, 2014
But at CROI the CDC reported 48% were durably suppressed in 2014 that is those who had durable viral suppression (all <200) in 2014.
Viral Load Dynamics Among Persons with Diagnosed HIV: United States, 2014