I Keep Forgetting
HIV, Aging, and Cognitive Disorders
"Due to advancing age of people living with HIV, the likelihood
for Alzheimer's disease will increase......
Distinguishing Alzheimer's disease from HIV-related cognitive
impairment is an urgent issue with few data to define an
approach......Rate is likely to increase exponentially with age as seen in
HIV-uninfected patients....alzheimers rates/prevalence doubles every 5 years - by the time you re 65 1%, 70 2%, 75 4%, 80 8% and by 90 30-50% of people will have alzheimers......treatment recommendation: Adherence to antiretroviral medications with persistent plasma viral suppression, get people on therapy early......Consideration for CSF escape, particularly in more rapid and
progressive presentations........Minimize polypharmacy and address medications that can
impact cognition.....there is enough information to say the virus is still causing problems, if you are taking care of yourself & comorbidities, its not the comorbidiies, its helpful for people to hear this
.......DEMENTIA PREVENTION: people with more education are less likely to get dementia, Potentially modifiable risk factors
Up to 35% of dementia risk is potentially modifiable (Social Determinants of Health)
- Hearing loss
- Hypertension
- Obesity
- Smoking
- Depression
- Physical inactivity
- Social isolation
- Diabetes"

Victor Valcour MD PhD
Professor of Geriatric Medicine in Neurology
Executive Director, Global Brain Health Institute
Reported by Jules Levin
CROI 2019 March 4-7 Seattle
