Ageing with HIV: Emerging importance of chronic comorbidities in patients over 75: 2-3 times the numbers of Comorbidities vs 50-74
75% Projected to Be Over 50. 85% of HIV+ projected to Have Cadiovascular Disease in USA, 30% malignancy, 23% diabetes. Care Costs Increase by 40% due to Comobidities
HIV duration of 20 Years in 75 year olds Doubles Multimorbidities & Polypharmacy Rates & This Causes Using HAART with Less Drugs in the Regimen - Silver champions from the GEPPO cohort (GEriatricPatients living with HIV/AIDS): a case control study of people above 75 years of age addressing Multimorbidity Polypharmacy and Antiretrovirals' Prescription in old HIV patients. - (09/16/16)
chronic kidney disease occurred more often in patients with HIV+ for all HIV groups [<10 yrs; 10-20 yrs; >20 yrs] and was 33% vs 7% in HIV+ for more than 20 years; dyslipidemia as well was 76% in HIV+ for more than 20 years vs 46% in HIV-negatives. Of note, HIV+ because of polypharmacy were prescribed HAART regimens containing less drugs. Twice as many HIV+ received statins.
Ageing with HIV: Emerging importance of chronic comorbidities in patients over 75
CROI 2016
Reported by Jules Levin
C. Allavena1, C. Bernaud1, S. Lariven2, M.A. Valantin3, T. Ferry4, L. Cuzin5, A. Naqvi6, A. Cabie7, M. Hanf8 and the ! DatAIDS study group 1Infectious Diseases, CHU Hotel-Dieu, Nantes, 2 Infectious Diseases, AP-HP Hopital Bichat-Claude Bernard, Paris, 3 Infectious Diseases, AP-HP Hopital Pitie Salpetriere, Paris, 4 Infectious Diseases, CHU, Lyon, 5 Infectious Diseases, CHU, Toulouse, 6 Infectious Diseases, CHU de l'Archet, Nice, 7 Infectious Diseases, CHU, Fort de France, 7, CHU Hotel-Dieu, Nantes, France
>75 HIV+ Have 2-3 Times the Rate of Comorbidities Compared to 50-75 HIV+ : Neoplasia rates 22.6% vs 12%; Renal failure 14% vs 4.7%; heart disease(CVD) 20.7% vs 8.5%; diabetes 22.3% vs 9.4%; hypertension 42.3% vs 21.1%; depression 15.1% vs 16.6%; # of comorbidities 4 or more: 14% vs 4.3%