Changing Rates of Heavily Treatment Experienced
Persons with HIV in the United States, 2000-2017
IAS: About 10% With HIV in Europe Have Heavy Treatment Experience, Few Options - "Prevalence and outcomes for heavily treatment-experienced (HTE) individuals living with HIV in a European cohort" - (07/25/19)
"Around 10% of HIV-positive individuals in the EuroSIDA cohort were estimated to be HTE with limited treatment options. HTE prevalence increased over time and THE individuals appeared to be at higher risk of developing new AIDS and non-AIDS events, which was largely explained by immunological parameters or by aging/comorbidities, respectively. Additional therapeutic options to ensure viral suppression and immune recovery as well as effective management of co-morbidities remain important to reduce clinical complications in the HTE population.”
Reported by Jules Levin
10th IAS Conference on HIV Science; July 21-24, 2019; Mexico City, Mexico
