Impact of Pretreatment Plasma HBV DNA Levels on the Rate of ALT Normalization During Antiviral Therapy With Tenofovir Alafenamide or Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate for Chronic Hepatitis B
AASLD 2020 Nov 11-16
Reported by Jules Levin
Young-Suk Lim,1 Jonggi Choi,1 Won-Mook Choi,1 Maurizia Brunetto,2 Jin-Lin Hou,3 Kosh Agarwal,4 Ting-Tsung Chang,5 Qin Ning,6 Seng-Gee Lim,7 Adrian Streinu-Cercel,8 John F. Flaherty,9 Hongyuan Wang,9 Bing Gao,9 Anuj Gaggar,9 Vithika Suri,9 Carla S. Coffin,10 Maria Buti,11 Henry L.Y. Chan12

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