Assessment of Immediate Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART)
in New York City
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CROI 2020
Reported by Jules Levin
Daniel Bertolino1, Erica D’Aquila1, Nadia Nguyen2, Denis Nash3, Abigail Baim-Lance3, Bisrat Abraham1,4
Themed Discussion Slides
The slides below were prepared for the themed discussion at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections titled Rapid ART Start: Where are the Gaps? These slides represent the abstract, Assessment of Immediatie Intitiation of Antiretroviral Therapy in New York City, one of four abstracts selected for this oral presentation.
In summary, high levels of knowledge around immediate initiation of ART were found. Respondents widely agreed that ART should be initiated soon after a rapid test, concerns do remain around providing treatment prior to confirmatory HIV test results, with a difference existing between clinical and non-clinical providers. Initiation of ART within 3-4 days of a reactive rapid test was more commonly reported than same-day initiation, disparities were found in access to same-day treatment across racial demographics in NYC. Logistic barriers were often identified to immediate initiation of ART. Support is needed to alleviate these barriers, with a focus on achieving health equity.
More than 60% of respondents reported initiation on the same-day or within 4 days of a reactive rapid test, with same day initiation being reported much less frequently than initiation with 1-4 days. When these results were stratified by clinic-level demographics, including clinics that serve a majority people of color and those that serve a majority non-people of color, no difference at the 4-day timepoint was found.

More than 60% of respondents reported initiation on the same-day or within 4 days of a reactive rapid test, with same day initiation being reported much less frequently than initiation with 1-4 days. When these results were stratified by clinic-level demographics, including clinics that serve a majority people of color and those that serve a majority non-people of color, no difference at the 4-day timepoint was found.
