Low Bone Mineral Density in Older People Living with HIV: the Renal-Bone Axis and ART
CROI 2020
Reported by Jules Levin
E. Alvarez1, L. Campbell2, A. Garcia-Leon1, I. Walsh3, W. Tinago1, J. Brady3, K. Burling4, S. Noe5, M. Neuville6, F. Jouret6, M. Yan7, H. Graham7, M. Rhee7,
P. W. Mallon1, F. Post8, on behalf of the GS-US-104-0423 co-investigators
1Centre for Experimental Pathogen Host Research, University College Dublin School of Medicine, Dublin, Ireland, 2 Kings College London, London UK, 3Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, 4Cambridge University, Cambridge, UK,
5 MVZ Karlsplatz HIV Research and Clinical Care Center, Munich, Germany, 6 University of Liege, Liege, Belgium, 7 Gilead Sciences, Inc, Foster City, CA, USA, 8 King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK
