Weight Gain in HIV+
Antiretroviral initiation is associated with increased skeletal muscle area and fat content
Initial weight gain years ago was termed 'return to health' but now......"initiation of ART among HIV-infected persons was associated with an increase in truncal skeletal muscle area, which is likely a reflection of increased fat within the muscle rather than an increase in high-quality skeletal muscle....Increased fatty muscle has been associated with weakness, falls, and a decline in physical activity among older adults; similar clinical significance should be established among HIV-infected middle-aged and older adults......Although observed gains in lean body mass with ART initiation are often assumed to represent a return to health, the findings of our current study suggest that the increase in muscle area is explained by an increase in fat content within muscle, rather than an improvement in high-quality, dense skeletal muscle. Indeed, when intermuscular fat was excluded, increases in muscle area were no longer seen. Furthermore, both the overall muscle and lean muscle density decreased with 96 weeks of ART, with no difference seen between ART arms."
Hepatic steatosis in HIV+ individuals: which impact has baseline BMI and treatment with integrase inhibitors? (01/13/20)
Integrase inhibitors dolutegravir and raltegravir exert proadipogenic and profibrotic effects and induce insulin resistance in adipose tissue and adipocytes (12/12/19)
Diabetes/Weight Gain; NASH, Ethnicity in HIV+ at IDWeek 2019 Oct 2-6 Wash DC
Changes in weight after switching to dolutegravir containing antiretroviral therapy in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study - (11/08/19)
No overall change in the rate of weight gain after switching to an integrase-inhibitor in virologically suppressed adults with HIV [London]....'although there appear to be outliers'
Heart Disease - IDWeek: BMI and ASCVD Risk Score Changes in Virologically Suppressed Patients with HIV Infection Switching from TDF to TAF Containing ART - (10/11/19)
IDWeek 2019: The Effect of Initiating INSTI-based vs. NNRTI-based Antiretroviral Therapy on Progression to Diabetes among North American Persons in HIV Care - (10/7/19)
IDWeek 2019: Possible Higher Diabetes Risk With INSTIs or PIs Than NNRTIs - Mark Mascolini (10/4/19)
IDWeek: Weight Change Associated with Switching to Integrase Strand Transfer Inhibitor-based Antiretroviral Regimens in HIV-positive Subjects - (10/11/19)
IDWeek 2019: Antiretroviral Therapy Anchor-based Trends in Body Mass Index following Treatment Initiation among Military Personnel with HIV - (10/11/19)
IDWeek 2019: Effects of Integrase Strand-Transfer Inhibitor Use on Lipids, Glycemic Control, and Insulin Resistance in the Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) - (10/8/19)
IDWeek 2019: Risk of type-2 diabetes mellitus after initiating integrase and protease inhibitors in individuals living with HIV in the United States - (10/8/19)
IDWeek: Weight Rises--But Lipids and HbA1c Don't--After Switch to Integrase Drugs - Mark Mascolini (10/7/19)
IDWeek: The prevalence and burden of non-aids comorbidities in women with or at-risk for hiv infection in the united states - (10/8/19)
IDWeek 2019: Changes in BMI associated with antiretroviral regimens in treatment-experienced, virologically suppressed individuals living with HIV - (10/8/19)
IDWeek 2019: Over Half of Mostly Black US HIV Group Has NAFLD--and Many Have NASH - Mark Mascolini (10/4/19)
IDWeek: A Comparison Study of Prevalence and Risk Factors for Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) by Transient Elastography (TE) in HIV Infected Patients - (10/8/19)
IDWeek 2019: Hepatic Steatosis in People Living with HIV - Effect of Sex and Race/Ethnicity - (10/16/19)
IDWeek 2019: - Higher Steatosis Risk in HIV+ Hispanics, But No Link to Integrase Inhibitors - Mark Mascolini (10/4/19)
October 2 -6
2019 Washington, DC
CROI 2019:
Obesity & Weight Gain on Antiretroviral Therapy plenary John Koethe MD, mechanism discussion
CROI 2019:
Weight Gain in HIV - Integrase - (04/08/19)