HRSA New Resources Available on HIV and Aging: Care, Screening Tools & Staff Training
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Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Colleagues,
People with HIV are living longer. What was once considered a deadly disease, is now a manageable, chronic condition that allows a nearly normal lifespan, thanks in large part to the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program and expanded access to HIV treatment services and medical advancements. In 2018, 46.1 percent of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program clients were aged 50 years and older.
As people with HIV age, their health care and social needs change. All member of the health care team can assist in the care and treatment as people age with HIV.
Over the last year, HRSA's HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) has been working with RWHAP recipients, subrecipients, and providers to identify and share effective strategies to meet the unique needs of this growing population. As part of this effort, HRSA HAB is excited to share two new reference guides to assist health care professionals as their aging population grows.
• "Incorporating New Elements of Care" This reference guide identifies commonly occurring health care and social needs of people aging with HIV and highlights the screenings and assessments for these needs. It serves as a starting point for health care teams as they build and expand their knowledge and practice of serving people aging with HIV. You can find this guide at:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hab.hrsa.gov/ sites/default/files/hab/clinical-quality-management/ aging-guide-new-elements.pdf__; !!F9wkZZsI-LA!SEqpt4z5FPn72sYMmGv3SQ-cXO0pBrzNo6AV5Kw0NBJN_SMwujPtxe0TtMld8S4nVGaBRw$ .

• "Putting Together the Best Health Care Team" This reference guide discusses how all members of the health care team can contribute to the care of people aging with HIV. Specifically, this guide identifies roles, responsibilities, staff training, and resources for the health care team to build their capacity and may assist the health care team as they build and expand their knowledge and practice of serving people aging with HIV. You can find this at:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://hab.hrsa.gov/sites/default/files/hab/ clinical-quality-management/aging-guide-best-team.pdf __;!!F9wkZZsI-LA!SEqpt4z5FPn72sYMmGv3SQ-cXO0pBrzNo6AV5Kw0NBJN_ SMwujPtxe0TtMld8S5wtD-fuQ$ .
