Population pharmacokinetic (PopPK) modeling and simulation of monthly intramuscular (IM) long-acting rilpivirine (RPV LA) to inform strategies following dosing interruptions in HIV-1 infected subjects
IAC 2020 july 6-10
Reported by Jules Levin
Stefaan Rossenu1, Martine Neyens1, Rodica Van Solingen-Ristea1, Bryan Baugh2, Herta Crauwels1
1Janssen Pharmaceutica NV, Research & Development, Beerse, Belgium; 2Janssen Pharmaceutica, Research & Development, Titusville, USA

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Disclosures and Acknowledgments: All authors are employees of Janssen Research & Development and hold company stocks. Shweta Pitre, ISMPP CMPP provided writing assistance and Robert Achenbach (Janssen Global Services, LLC) provided additional editorial support for the development of this poster.