ALG-005398 is a Potent Non-HAP Class I HBV Capsid
Assembly Modulator that Strongly Reduces HBsAg Levels In Vivo
AASLD 2021 Nov 12-15
Yannick Debing1, Dieudonné Buh Kum1, Abel Acosta Sanchez2, Hannah Vanrusselt2, Cheng Liu3, Jerome Deval3, Antitsa Stoycheva3, Qingling Zhang3, Sucheta Mukherjee3, Dinah Misner3,
Sushmita Chanda3, David B. Smith3, Leonid Beigelman3, Lawrence M. Blatt3, Julian A. Symons3, Pierre Raboisson1, Andreas Jekle3, and Sandrine Vendeville1
1 Aligos Belgium BV, Leuven, Belgium; 2 Novalix, Leuven, Belgium; 3 Aligos Therapeutics, Inc., South San Francisco, CA
