Prevalence and Characteristics of Hepatitis Delta in
the United States: an Analysis of All-Payer Claims Databases
AASLD 2021 Nov 12-15
Robert Gish,1 Ira Jacobson,2 Joseph Lim,1 Ankita Modi Kaushik,4 Nandita Kachru,4 Yan Liu,4 Anissa Cyhaniuk5, Robert Wong6
'University of Nevada, Reno SchOO of Medicine, Reno, Kir11 Kerkorian School of Medicine a1 UNLV. Las Vegas. NV, and UC San Diego Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceu1ical Sciences, Hepatitis B Foundation, La Jolla. CA:
2NYU Grossman School of Medicine. New York, NY; 3Yale School of Medicine, New Haven. CT: 4Gilead Sciences, Inc Foster City, CA: 5STATinMED, Plano. TX; 6Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, and VA Palo Alto Healthcare Syslem. Palo Alto. CA
