Improvement of all HCV care cascade steps in IVDU treated with DAAs within a dedicated program
from Jules: why do some programs dedicated for IVDUs appear to be successful. From my discussions it appears the outreach & other support staff & clinicians must pursued the IDUs they care enough about them to convince them to get treated & cured. It appears to be the capacity of the staff along the line to convince IDUs to trust them, that they care. Which makes so much sense because IDUs do not trust, often why they use drugs, they feel betrayed, they need to trust you.
EASL International Liver Congress, June 23-26, 2021
A. Mangia, M.F. Rina, F. Campanozzi , R. Cotugno, V. Piazzolla, A. Canosa, M.M. Squillante, M. Copetti.
Liver Unit IRCCS «Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza», San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy; Azienda Sanitaria Matera, Policoro, Italy; Dipartimento Dipendenze Patologiche ASL, Foggia, Italy; Dipartimento Dipendenze Patologiche ASREM, Termoli, Italy; Biostatistics Unit IRCCS «Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza», San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy.
