HCV 40% Unaware HBV 65% in USA. New WHO Viral Hepatitis Elimination Guidance
About 40% of people with chronic hepatitis C are unaware of their infection.
Awareness of chronic HBV infection, past HBV exposure and HCV infection were present in 33.9%, 11.7% and 55.6% of participants, respectively. Among HCV-infected baby boomers, the awareness was in 61.5%. The awareness of HBV infection was significantly higher in individuals with high education level in USA in 2019.  
HCV Elimination Off-Track WHO Targets/Countries Estimates - Global timing of hepatitis C virus elimination: estimating the year countries will achieve the World Health Organization elimination targets USA ranks among the last. "Of 45 high-income countries and territories, 30 were projected to not eliminate HCV before 2050
-Nine (Australia, France, Iceland, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom) were on track towards eliminating HCV by 2030,
-Three (Austria, Germany, and Malta) were projected to eliminate HCV by 2040, and three more (Ireland, the Netherlands, and Saudi Arabia) by 2050
•The number of high-income countries and territories that failed to meet each WHO target for HCV elimination was: 34 (incidence), 30 (mortality), 20 (diagnosis), and 26 (treatment)"  
New data show that hepatitis B and C cause 3.0 million new infections and 1.1 million deaths in 2019. Only 10% of people who have chronic infection with hepatitis B virus are diagnosed; 22% of whom receive treatment. For hepatitis C infection, 21% of people are diagnosed and 62% of whom receive treatment. Despite progress against the 2020 hepatitis targets, the gaps towards achieving 2030 goals are enormous.
However there have been some important success stories: the reduction in the incidence of hepatitis B infection is one of the few Sustainable Development Goals health targets that is on track. In addition, new data show that 9.4 million people are receiving treatment for chronic hepatitis C virus infection, a more than nine fold increase since 2015. https://www.who.int/news/item/20-05-2021-new-report-highlights-global-progress-on-reducing-hiv-viral-hepatitis-and-sexually-transmitted-infections-and-signals-need-for-renewed-efforts-to-reach-2030-targets  
EASL: New WHO Guidance on Viral Hepatitis Elimination - (06/26/21)  



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