Exposure to dolutegravir from two formulations
in children in the ODYSSEY trial - Intl Pediatrics Workshop
International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics 2021
16 Jul 2021 - 17 Jul 2021
Jolanda Vogelzang1, Hylke Waalewijn1, Abbas Lugemwa2, Hilda A Mujuru3, Cissy Kityo4, Adeodata R Kekitiinwa5, Anna Parker6, Diana M Gib6,
David M Burger1, Deborah Ford6, Anna Turkova6, Angela Colbers1,* , the ODYSSEY trial team
1Department of Pharmacy, Radboud Institute for Health Sciences (RIHS), Radboud university medical center, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 2Joint Clinical Research Centre, Mbarara, Uganda.
3University of Zimbabwe Clinical Research Centre, Harare, Zimbabwe. 4Joint Clinical Research Centre, Kampala, Uganda. 5Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation, Kampala, Uganda.
6Medical Research Council Clinical Trials Unit at University College London, London, United Kingdom.
