Needs and Involvement of HIV Specialists and
Geriatricians in the Care of Older Adults
with HIV - A National Survey
Aging Workshop 2022 Oct 14-15
link to video of talk
Fátima Brañas: https://youtu.be/Y9BmlL4y784
Fátima Brañas1, Susana Martínez2, Rosa Polo2, Matilde Sánchez-Conde3.
Geriatrics Department. Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor1. HIV, STIs, Viral Hepatitis and Tuberculosis Control Division. Ministry of Health2. Infectious Disease Department. Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal.
Madrid. SPAIN
All Lightning Posters are included in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ykqQ9UfZ2Pc
Introduction: Half of the people with HIV are currently older adults. Comorbidity, frailty, and geriatric syndromes are prevalent and appear at an early age. Our aim is to test the knowledge and involvement of geriatricians in the management of older adults with HIV and the HIV specialists’ attitude towards a joint approach to these patients.
Methods: We developed a survey with 12 specific questions for geriatricians and another for HIV specialists. The surveys were distributed through the National Scientific Societies during the last week of March 2022. They were completed anonymously and voluntarily.
Results: 94 geriatricians (G) and 63 HIV specialists (H) answered. 71,2% of the geriatricians would feel uncomfortable if they had to evaluate a patient with HIV. 86.1% have seen one or no older patients with HIV in the last year. 79.3% of the HIV specialists believed that geriatricians should be involved in the management of older adults with HIV. Both groups agreed that the approach to these patients should be multidisciplinary (G91.9% vs H79,3%), that specific training is needed (G91.4% vs H80,9%) and that the criteria to refer an older adult with HIV for a comprehensive geriatric assessment should be the presence of frailty and/or other geriatric syndromes rather than the chronological age (G82,9% vs H87,3%).
Conclusions: Geriatricians have a lack of knowledge about older adults with HIV and are no involved in their management yet. HIV specialists are open to co-management of older HIV patients. Specific training is needed to ensure the best approach to them.
