Brief Summary, Highlights- 13th Intl Aging & HIV Workshop
oct 13-14 2022
This years Intl Aging Worship was a global meeting with research presentations around cognitive function and the brain, frailty, and physical function plus additional topics. Here is link to initial coverage and highlights. HIV geriatricians gathered on a panel on which I sat to discuss care for the aging and elderly. We are facing a Silver Tsunami yet care is horrible for the elderly PLWH in a care system designed for young PLWH and ignoring the needs of older and elderly PLWH. At this meeting studies reported high rates of frailty globally including in Africa. Studies were reported clearly showing how screening in the HIV clinic for frailty & cognitive impairment is both easily feasible & very important in trying to delay or prevent onset for frailty & cognitive impairment. Yet federal, state & local authorities have yet to insert much in the way of geriatric screening in HIV clinics. There are clear worrisome concerns about cognitive decline and impairment for elderly PLWH that will lead to disability & premature mortality. Nutritional and exercise gaps were discussed. It was mentioned that adequate protein for elderly PLWH is 1.2 mg/kg of weight. It was roundly agreed the best treatment for aging is exercise and diet yet PLWH do not practice this. There is one study in PLWH just getting ready to begin looking at the senolytic anti-aging drug D+Q in the ACTG. The 10-years HRSA RFP is wholly inadequate as its for merely 3 years with only 10 clinics. The NHAS National Strategy Pan) ignores care in the clinic. The OAR, HHS & ONAP refuse to discuss the clear gap, unmet needs in care in the HIV clinic for elderly & older PLWH, and no one else is pushing this, it gets ignored. We need geriatric screenings & care in the HIV clinics, we need to get rid of the 20-minute doctor visits, its killing PLWH. Isolation & lack of social engagement are also killing elderly PLWH and programs of support are absent & needed to address these as well. NYS announced their new Aging Plan at the workshop, let’s see if it improves actual care in the clinic. Doctors are not doing Bone Mineral Density tests at 50 years of age as they are recommended to for PLWH either. Jules Levin
50 reports....link
13th International Workshop on
HIV and Aging
13-14 October 2022
How Are We Measuring Aging/Which Different Methods Are Used to Assess Aging?
Luigi Ferrucci
National Institute on Aging (NIA), United States
Use of Senolytics as Modifiers of Aging Trajectory
James Kirkland
Mayo Clinic, United States
Cognitive Function, The Brain
AGE: Aging, HAND & Alzheimers -Alzheimers pathology?? - (10/15/22)
Eliezer Masliah: https://youtu.be/ods66w5x4hY
Individual and Community Measures of Depression
Jessica Castilho https://youtu.be/CnGjStWguk4
Needs and Involvement of HIV Specialists and Geriatricians: National Survey in Spain
Fatima Branas https://youtu.be/Y9BmlL4y784
AGE: Increasing Neuroinflammation in People With HIV Tied to Worse Neurodegeneration - - (10/15/22)
Social and Co-morbid Determinants of Brain Aging
Kalen Petersen https://youtu.be/WS7aZemn7ec
AGE: Social support network factors linked to neuropsychological-verbal performance among disadvantaged persons living with HIV who use drugs - (10/17/22)
AGE: Overlap Between Cognitive and Physical Frailty in Persons with HIV - (10/15/22)
AGE: e-SMART/EST Telehealth Intervention to Reduce Depression in Older Women with HIV - (10/17/22)
Frailty in AGING PLWH
Post COVID Frailty Reversible: Frailty transitions in people with post-acute COVID syndrome - (10/18/22)
Prevalence of Geriatric Syndromes, Frailty and Comorbidities and their Association with Quality of Life in Older Adults with HIV in the Spanish FUNCFRAIL Cohort. - (10/17/22)
Physical frailty among older HIV-positive and HIV-negative women in Mombasa, Kenya: A cross-sectional study - (10/17/22)
• 50% Frail or Pre-Frail in Uganda: Risk Factors for Frailty in a Geriatric Cohort on Long Term Antiretroviral Treatment in Uganda - (10/17/22)
• Frailty & Hospitalization Associated at Kaiser - Evaluation of an electronic health record-based frailty index in people with and without HIV in a primary care setting - (10/17/22)
• Frailty and physical performance assessments as part of a comprehensive geriatric care model in an urban HIV clinic: 73% Pre-frail or Frail 7 50% Weak- (10/17/22)
• Physical Functioning in Older Adults with HIV - 80% Impaired Physical Function in Baltimore Clinic SPBB & IADL Measured - (10/17/22)
Frailty Rate Falls Over Time During Postacute COVID Syndrome - Mark Mascolini - (10/13/22)