PrEP Indications and PrEP Knowledge, Access, and Interest Among Individuals with HCV
Among 314 HCV mono-infected participants, 109 (35%) had an indication for PrEP.
48 (15%) had a drug use indication alone, 40 (13%) had a sexual indication alone, and 21 (7%) had both drug use and sexual indications.
Though indications for PrEP were prevalent among individuals with HCV in this cohort, most patients were unaware of PrEP, had never been offered PrEP, and were not using PrEP.
These data support the need for improved PrEP implementation among people with HCV at risk for HIV acquisition.
CROI 2022 Feb 11-16
Kristi C. Hill1, Rachel Silk2, Rahwa Eyasu2, Onyinyechi Ogbumbadiugha2, Emade Ebah2, Amelia A. Cover2, Ashley Davis2, David Sternberg3, Phyllis Bijole3, Junfeng Sun4, Henry Masur4, Shyam Kottilil2, Sarah Kattakuzhy2, Elana S. Rosenthal2
1Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD, United States, 3HIPS, Washington, DC, USA, 4National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States
• Though indications for PrEP were prevalent among individuals with HCV in this cohort, most patients were unaware of PrEP, had never been offered PrEP, and were not using PrEP.
• The significant association between study site and both PrEP awareness and provider offerings of PrEP suggest high variability in PrEP access by location of healthcare utilization.
• These data support the need for improved PrEP implementation among people with HCV at risk for HIV acquisition.
