Assessing health-related quality of life
in people with HIV and cognitive issues
CROI 2022 Feb 11-16
Kate Alford1,2, Stephanie Daley3, Sube Banerjee4, Elizabeth Hamlyn5, Daniel Trotman5 and Jaime H. Vera1,2,6
1Dept. Global Health and Infection, Brighton and Sussex Medical School, 2 Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust, 3Centre for Dementia Studies,
Brighton and Sussex Medical School, 4Faculty of Health, University of Plymouth, King’s College Hospital NHS Trust 5, Dept. of Medicine, Brighton and Sussex Medical School
• Participants complete a brief cognitive assessment (MoCA-Blind) and an in-person or online series of validated questionnaires measuring nine domains identified from a prior qualitative study4 as comprising HRQoL in PLWH with cognitive impairments.
• Domain assessed included: physical function (Lawson and Brody Instrumental Activities of Daily Living), cognition (MoCA-Blind), social connectedness (Social Connectedness Scale), physical and mental health and wellbeing (SF-12), HIV stigma (Stigma Scale for Chronic Illness), self-esteem (Rosenburg's Self-Esteem Scale), acceptance of health (Acceptance of Illness Scale) and control over health outcomes (Illness Perception Scale).
Most domains were significantly correlated.
• Multiple regression revealed presence of objective cognitive impairment (based on MoCA-Blind cut-off score ≤18) significantly predicted HRQoL score (R² = 0.14, F(1, 91) = 15.15, P < 0.001), and adding the remaining HRQoL domains explained 56% of the variance in HRQoL score (R² of 0.56, ΔR² = 0.41 F (8,83) = 11.76, p < 0.001), with physical function, physical health, mental health, and perceived control over CI the strongest predictors (p < 0.05)
