Inhibition of hepatitis B surface antigen by RNA interference therapeutic AB-729 is associated with increased cytokine signatures in HBV DNA+ chronic hepatitis B subjects
EASL 2022 June 22-26 London
Sharie C Ganchua1, Bhavna S Paratala1, Christina L Iott1, Man-Fung Yuen2, Edward Gane3, Timothy Eley1, Karen D Sims1, Kevin Gray1, Deana Antoniello1, Angela M Lam1, Michael J Sofia1, Gaston Picchio1, Emily P Thi1 1Arbutus Biopharma Inc., Warminster PA, USA; 2Auckland Clinical Studies, New Zealand; 3Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong
1. Greater breadth of soluble immune biomarkers are increased in HBV DNA+ compared to HBV DNA- subjects after a single dose of AB-729