Screening for hepatitis C in Denmark- the effect of a mobile outreach intervention
650 participants were tested at 44 different locations. Overall, 44 (7%) were HCV-Ab positive and 12 (2%) were HCV-RNA positive. The prevalence of HCV-Ab was 12.5 % (41/327) in facilities targeting people with drug use and 1 % (3/256) in facilities restricted to psychiatric patients or/and alcohol users. Correspondingly, 89% (39/44) of HCV-Ab positives had injected drugs compared to 9% (57/606) of HCV-Ab negatives. We found no infections (0/67) when testing in the general population (i.e. at markets).In total 93% (41/44) of those with positive HCV antibodies had been tested before. 7 of 12 HCV RNA positive have been treated. Of those 5 have achieved SVR12 and two are still pending results. 2 are lost to follow-up, 1 cleared infection, 1 moved out of region and one is under assessment.
EASL 2022 June 22-26 London
S. Drose1,2,3, LW. Madsen1,2, GB.
Harvald1, S. Grinderslev1, K.
Koefoed1, L. Krĉmer1, A.
Ovrehus1,2 and PB.
1Department of Infectious Diseases, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
2Research Unit for Infectious Diseases, Clinical Institute, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark 3Open Patient data Explorative Network (OPEN), Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark
