Neurotoxicity Screening of Antiretroviral Drugs With Human iPSC-Derived Neurons CROI 2016
Neurotoxicity Screening of Antiretroviral Drugs With Human iPSC-Derived Neurons CROI 2016...https://www.natap.org/2016/CROI/croi_148.htm
Two ART drugs showed no significant toxicity between both assays performed, Abacavir and Tenofovir
The numbers that are extremes in either directions are bad generally (greater than 2 or less than -2). For example, most results under MMP were negative, but Darunavir was significantly changed in the positive direction. for mitochondria, the degree of mitochondrial toxicity was (EFV>COBI>EVG>RPV>RTV>ATV>DRV>>>>>ABC=TFV>DTG).
the nnRTI, RPV and EFV were toxic to mitochondria within 4 hours which led to neurite retraction and cell death after an additional 3 days treatment. In contrast, the Protease Inhibitors, ATV, DRV and RTV affected mitochondrial function, but did not go on to cause cellular neurotoxicity after 3 days treatment, suggesting less overall degree of toxicity compared to nnRTI.
The heatmap table from the Results Overview is a snapshot of specific outcome measures

CNS Toxicity of Antiretroviral
Could antiretroviral neurotoxicity play a role in the pathogenesis of cognitive impairment in treated HIV disease?......https://natap.org/2014/HIV/012315_03.htm
ARTs & Mitochondrial toxicity......AZT/NNRTI induces greater adipose tissue mitochondrial toxicity than AZT/PI...... These findings support emerging data on NNRTIs contribution to thymidine-NRTI toxicity, suggesting additive MtTox as an underlying mechanism.......https://www.natap.org/2016/CROI/croi_231.htm
Aging and Antiretroviral Neurotoxicity.......https://natap.org/2017/AGE/AGE_13.htm