Chronic injection opioid use increases the systemic inflammation and T cell immune activation in virally suppressed people living with HIV - each separately HIV & Opioid Use increase immune activation, inflammation
AIDS 2022 July 29-Aug 4 Montreal

BACKGROUND: Opioid dependence is a major health problem in the US. Our group is investigating the immunologic consequences of opioid dependence in HIV-infected (HIV+) and HIV-uninfected (HIV-) participants. We hypothesize that virally controlled HIV+ injecting opioid users manifest immune perturbations.
METHODS: In an ongoing study, opioid users (OP+) are recruited from our needle exchange program and opioid non-users (OP-) from the clinics. Participants are grouped as HIV+OP+ (Gp1), HIV-OP+ (Gp2), HIV+OP- (Gp3), and HIV-OP- (Gp4), median age 48yr with 62% Male: 36% Female: and 2% Transgender Women. HIV+ were on ART with < HIV 200 copies/mL. Statistical methods include non-parametric group comparisons (Kruskal-Wallis), Spearman correlations and Multiple regression. (Table 1)
