A propensity-score matched cohort study investigating premature age in people living with HIV
AIDS 2022 July 29- Aug 1 Montreal
In a well-controlled, matched sample of people with and without HIV, we found that CVD and hypertension occur earlier in PLWH, indicating premature aging.
See Figure 1 to see the frequency distribution of CVD, hypertension, diabetes & chronic kidney disease, quite striking: much higher rates of chronic kidney disease for PLWH; figure 1 shows higher diabetes rates fr PLWH in certain age groups 40-49 & 60-69, but there was a study at CROI & published finding older women with HIV I think over 60 had much higher rates than similar HIV-negative women. Jules
As the life expectancy of PLWH continues to increase, it should be a priority of future research to ascertain how to alleviate premature aging in PLWH to ensure optimal wellbeing and quality of life for aging PLWH.
Tiffany E. Gooden, Jingya Wang, Dawit T. Zemedikun, Stephen Taylor, Sheila Greenfield, Semira Manaseki-Holland, Krishnarajah Nirantharakumar, G. Neil Thomas
