Pharmacokinetics Inform Remdesivir Dosing for Patients With Severe Renal Impairment
CROI 2023 Feb 20-23
Rita Humeniuk,1,* Rong Deng,1 Inmaculada C. Sorribes,2 Sean Regan,1 Haeyoung Zhang,1 Richard Robson,3 Meghan Sise,4
Yiannis Koullias,1 Joe Llewellyn,1 Robert H. Hyland,1 Anu Osinusi,1 Sandhya Girish,1 Ana Ruiz-Garcia,1 Helen Winter1
1Gilead Sciences, Inc., Foster City, CA, USA; 2Certara, Inc., Durham, NC, USA; 3New Zealand Clinical Research, Christchurch, New Zealand; 4Massachusetts General Hospital of Renal Associates, Boston, MA, USA.
