Single center study on participants living with HIV with isolated anticore antibody (anti-HBc) switching to long acting cabotegravir-rilpivirine therapy: Results from the SCohoLART study
EACS 2023 oct 20
Bertoni C 1,2, Svicher V3, Bagaglio S1, D'Anna S3, Salpini R3, Lolatto R1, Sampaolo M4, Castagna A1,2, Gianotti N1, Morsica G1.
1Infectious Diseases Unit, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy, 2Vita-Salute University, Milan, Italy. 3Department of Biology, Tor
Vergata University, Rome, Italy , 4 Laboratory of Microbiology and Virology, San Raffaele Hospital, Milan, Italy.
Of 9 PLWH with isolated anti-HBc, one (11.1%) had HBV acute infection after switch to CAB/RPVLA, probably consequent to HBV reactivation rather than HBV reinfection. Our finding highlights the importance of close monitoring HBV-DNA in PLWH with isolated anti-HBc after switch to anti-HBV sparing CAB/RPVLA therapy, while the significance of serum HBV-RNA as possible biomarker of reactivation remains to be elucidated.
