Treatment for >12 Weeks with the Capsid Assembly Modulator (CAM) ALG-000184 and Entecavir (ETV) Dose Dependently Reduces HBsAg in HBeAg+ Subjects with Chronic Hepatitis B (CHB) (Global Hepatitis Summit 2023 April 28 Paris)
Global Hepatitis Summit 2023 april 28 Paris
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McClure Matthew [1], Hou Jinlin [2], Ding Yanhua [3], Niu Junqi [3], Liang Xie’er [2], Le Kha [1], Lin Tse-I [4], Wu Min [5], Benedetta Massetto [1], Fry John [1], Lawrence Blatt [1], Sushmita Chanda [1], Leo Beigelman [1], Gane Ed [6]
1. Aligos Therapeutics, Inc., United States, 2. Nanfang Hospital, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, 3. Jilin University, the First Hospital, Changchun, China, 4. Aligos Belgium BV, 5. Aligos Theraeutics (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., 6. University of Auckland, New Zealand
