The national hepatitis C elimination program-AASLD's coalition and call to action
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The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases
lobbying & discussions are currently ongoing in Congress. In the light of all the economic & political climate now we will see what happens. Jules  
Global progress to HCV elimination by 2030 is not on track in many countries,1 including the United States. However, countries with fewer resources (eg, Georgia and Egypt) that have implemented plans for universal HCV screening and treatment are on track, highlighting the importance of national policies in achieving elimination goals. Now, the United States has a bold plan to achieve elimination with a "National HCV Elimination Program" proposed in the fiscal year 2024 White House budget. Finally, the United States, a giant of HCV research and discovery, will step forward with action to prevent any further loss of life due to HCV and to halt the rising health care costs related to HCV and its complications if Congress adopts this plan. In this context, the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD) is reaching out to its members, its collaborators, and its partners in clinical care, public health, research, education, and advocacy to take action and support this transformative initiative.  
Modeling of the National Hepatitis C Elimination Program shows that within 5 years of implementation, 92.5% of all persons with HCV will be diagnosed and 89.6% of those with HCV infection will be cured. Over 10 years, compared with the status quo, this initiative will avert 20,000 cases of HCC, 49,100 cases of diabetes, and 25,000 cases of chronic kidney disease. With this disease prevention, the initiative will avert 24,000 deaths adding 220,000 life-years. These benefits in improved health will save $18.1 billion in direct health care spending, of which $13.3 billion would accrue to the federal government. Over 20 years, the health benefits would increase by more than 2-fold and cost savings by 3-fold.6

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