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Jules Levin, NATAP - Bio, CV
  NATAP is the global leader in HIV and hepatitis education and information, it is the largest HIV organization globally in terms of reach. The website receives 4 million monthly hits and 230,000 unique monthly visitors, far outstripping any other HIV or hepatitis website. The NATAP community treatment education program is also the largest and most far reaching globally and in the USA providing cutting edge education and information to PLWH and those working with them.
Jules was the founder in 1996 of NATAP, the National AIDS Treatment Advocacy Project, and remains the executive director. NATAP pioneered online HIV and hepatitis conference coverage in 1996 with the first website [www.natap.org] to provide HIV and hepatitis conference coverage and remains the director of the website, and HIV care/treatment education community-based direct to PLWH education in 1998 with our NATAP National Treatment Education Program:
- providing Aging & HIV education 15 years ago
- NATAP's Aging & HIV section on the website is the largest content ongoing now for 10 years.
- providing since 1998 500+ live-in-person symposiums to 50,000 individuals in 25 cities, and pivoted to webinars in early 2020 with national & global webinars, which are very popular with 2-3 times as many registered for our new webinars: as many as 1000 people registered for individual webinars.
- NATAP's Women & HIV Care & Treatment Education Program in 2005-2007 was part of the original National Education Program.
- Jules originated, moderated & produced the weekly radio show in NYC from 1998-2000 "Living Well with HIV & Hepatitis".
- Jules has led and pioneered advocacy in key areas including aging and HCV/HIV coinfection, and fatty liver/NASH.
Jules and NATAP have led key advocacy efforts: Jules led the early efforts on HIV/hepatitis coinfection: put HCV & HBV in the Ryan White Care Act in 2006; designed & funded for $2 million Check Hep C in NYC, the 1st large-scale HCV screening, linkage & care HCV project after the first DAAs became available around 10 years ago. Jules has sat on numerous federal, state and local committees & FDA panels & community advisory boards for HIV, hepatitis, and Aging with HIV since 1994.
Over the years since 1994 Jules has sat on numerous Advisory Committees including with the NIH & FDA.
Jules co-founded the "The International Workshop on HIV & Aging", now in its 14th year, and sits on its Organizing & Scientific Committees; Jules sits on the Scientific Advisory Committee for the International Workshop Co-morbidities and Adverse Drug Reactions in HIV, now in its 20th year. The NATAP website is the highest trafficked website in HIV and hepatitis. Jules has had HIV for 40+ years and was the 1st HCV/HIV coinfection cure with peginterferon/ribavirin in 2001.

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