People living with HIV not more likely to be hospitalized with mpox unless immunosuppressed, finds WHO analysis
IAS 2023 Press Release
Among mpox cases globally in 2022, people living with HIV were not more likely to be hospitalized unless they were immunosuppressed, according to a study from the World Health Organization (WHO).
The multi-country outbreak of mpox - formerly known as monkeypox - emerged in May 2022, and countries have reported nearly 150 deaths to date. The vast majority of mpox cases have been among men who have sex with men, many of whom are living with HIV, and studies have shown that mpox can be much more severe in those who have a very low CD4 count (a key indicator of immune function).
The new analysis, presented by Ana Hoxha of WHO, describes clinical characteristics and outcomes of mpox cases among people living with HIV in 2022. It is based on more than 82,000 cases with detailed information in WHO’s mpox global surveillance system. Information on HIV status was available for 39% of reported cases; of these, 52% were people living with HIV. Among people living with HIV who had available information, 91% reported being men who have sex with men.
Based on the finding that uncontrolled HIV may lead to disproportionate mpox morbidity, the study team concluded that health systems must ensure that people living with HIV know their status, are linked to HIV care and treatment and achieve viral suppression. They also noted that for people with unknown HIV status, mpox testing can be an important opportunity for HIV testing, prevention and care.
Abstract and session: HIV among mpox cases: clinical characteristics and outcomes in the WHO global surveillance 2022, It's all about the bugs: Other conditions in people with HIV (3953, Track B)