Interim demographics, clinical characteristics, and effectiveness in the REGAL cohort: A REtrospective real-world study of the effectiveness and tolerability of the antiretroviral treatment reGimens DTG/3TC compAred to BIC/FTC/TAF in older persons Living with HIV
15th International Workshop on Aging & HIV; October 24-25, 2024; Wash, DC
Julie Priest1, Emilio Letang2, Richard Grove3, Gustavo Verdier4, Eva Fernvik5, Andres Maldonado6,
Cassidy Henegar1, Bryn Jones7, Ángel Baltasar8, Carly Rodriguez9, Emilio Sanchez8, Jeremy Fraysse1
1ViiV Healthcare, Durham, NC; 2ViiV Healthcare, Madrid, Spain; 3GSK, London, UK;
4ViiV Healthcare Montréal, QC, Canada; 5ViiV Healthcare, Stockholm, Sweden;
6ViiV Healthcare, Wavre, Belgium; 7ViiV Healthcare, London, UK; 8IQVIA, Barcelona,
Spain; 9IQVIA, Durham, NC. presenting author: Julie Priest;