Switching to Doravirine/Islatravir Maintains Viral Suppression Regardless of Archived Mutations
CROI 2024 March 3-6 Denver
Ernest Asante-Appiah, Steffy Joseph, Jingwen Chai, Megan Green, Karen Eves, Prachi Nair, Mandy Su, Stephanie Olsen Klopfer, Todd Alan Correll, Jason Yun Kim, Michelle Candice Fox
Merck Research Laboratories, Rahway, NJ, USA
In 2 phase 3 clinical trials, switching to the 2-drug combination doravirine/islatravir (DOR/ISL) 100/0.75mg was non-inferior to continuing the prior antiretroviral (ART) regimen. This exploratory post-hoc analysis examined the impact of pre-existing resistance-associated mutations (RAMs) on the virologic response to DOR/ISL in these trials, focusing on M184V/I and other RAMs in reverse transcriptase.
This study used old higher dose of Isalatravir.
