Doxy-PEP Associated with Declines in Chlamydia and Syphilis in MSM and Trans Women in San Francisco.....increase in gonorrhea after SF Guidelines Oct 2022
CROI 2024 March 3-6 Denver
Madeline Sankaran, David Glidden, Robert Kohn, Courtney Liebi, Thiago Torres, Susan Buchbinder, Anne F. Luetkemeyer, Monica Gandhi, Diane Havlir, Janet Q. Nguyen, Hyman Scott, Jorge Roman, Oliver Bacon, Trang Nguyen, Stephanie E. Cohen
concern about resistance persists:
"The evidence now overwhelmingly supports the use of DoxyPEP for STI prevention and we see benefits of an aggressive rollout to the populations who are most likely to benefit," remarked Hyman Scott, MD, MPH, Medical Director, San Francisco AIDS Foundations. "Despite reservations about widespread adoption, including concerns about antimicrobial resistance, the proactive distribution of DoxyPEP stands poised as a powerful tool to prevent STIs across our communities."
