icon-    folder.gif   Conference Reports for NATAP  
  Conference on Retroviruses
and Opportunistic Infections
Denver, Colorado
March 3-6 2024
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Frailty and Health-Related Quality of Life
(QOL 24% Lower) in an Aging Cohort of People with HIV 2012-2022
  CROI 2024 March 3-6 Denver
Lydia N Drumright1, Bridget M Whitney1, Crystal Chapman Lambert2, Amanda L Willig2, Robin M Nance1, Stephanie A Ruderman1, Sonia Napravnik3, Katerina Christopoulos4, Edward Cachay5, Lara Haidar6, Jimmy Ma1, Mari M Kitahata1, Joseph AC Delaney1, Allison R Webel1, Heidi M Crane1