Emerging Dolutegravir Resistance in Lesotho
CROI 2024 March 3-6 Denver
Nadine Tschumi1,2, Blaise Lukau3, Lipontso Motaboli3, Katleho Tlali3, Mpho Kao3, Mathebe Kopo3, Moleboheng Mokebe3, Klaudia Naegele4, Irene Ayakaka3, Karoline Leuzinger4, Jennifer A. Brown1,2*, Niklaus D. Labhardt1,2*#
1 Division of Clinical Epidemiology, Department of Clinical Research, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 2 University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 3 SolidarMed, Partnerships for Health, Butha-Buthe, Lesotho; 4 Clinical Virology,
Laboratory Medicine, University Hospital Basel. # Presenting, * Shared last authors.
