Robust reduction of HBsAg and HDV RNA levels with low risk for ALT elevations in JNJ-73763989 treated patients with chronic hepatitis D (CHD) and baseline HBsAg levels below 10,000 IU/mL: Part 2 of the REEF-D study
EASL 2024 June 5-8 Milan Italy
Late Breaker poster
Heiner Wedemeyer1, Pietro Lampertico2, Edward J. Gane3, Kosh Agarwal4, Fehmi Tabak5, Ulus Akarca6, Soo Aleman7, Maria Buti8, Kathrin Sprinzl9, Kathleen Donohue10, John Jerzorwski11,
Thomas Kakuda12, Thierry Verbinnen13, Adam Bakala13, Oliver Lenz13, Michael Biermer13
